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July 20, 2011



I love this presentation! I'm going to have to borrow (steal) it for an upcoming wedding in San Jose, California.

Bia | Engagement Rings, Loose Diamonds, Wedding Rings & Diamond Jewelry

Mmmm tomatoes. Love the taste, love the colour even more! Beautiful spreads.

Jewellers Dublin

Love the images, so pretty with vibrant color. Food looks so tasty


Love the tomatoes in the arrangement! Fabulous round up. And a summer wedding with a tomato bar ~ seriously spectacular!!!

Thank you bunches for the link love ;-)


Engagement Ring Dublin

Ummm. I am feeling hungry. Really love this presentation.

engagement rings

Love the colours, great for a small wedding reception.

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  • Ritzy Bee photo credit: Copyright Laura-Chase McGehee. Fall & Summer photo credit: Kate Headley Photography. Winter & Spring photo credit: Abby Jiu Photography. Featured blog images: If you see an image we have not linked or given credit to, please let us know so we can give proper credit. If we have used an image that belongs to your company, and you would prefer we not post it, please email us and we will gladly remove it.